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Especially for You

A guest post by Jenn Kish from Sprinkles In My Closet
This morning I was in my bathroom getting ready for the day. I was praying as I put on my makeup.
“God, these children are testing every bit of me today. I have already determined that I wasn’t going to let this day be ruined. Help me, God! What do I do now?”
In my mind I thought, does God actually care about how I discipline them in this specific situation? Does He really care if we go on with our plans or if I just cancel them and give up on this day. He’s never actually spoken to me about specific discipline.
I was on the verge of tears when my 7 year old walked into the bathroom. She was carrying a tag.
“Look Mom, this tag says ‘made especially for you. Isn’t that sweet?’”
She turned to leave the room and I called to her to come back. I stopped what I was doing and looked at what she had in her hand. It was a tag from her new book bag and it simply says “Made especially for you.”
I was stunned. In my weakest moment, God sent my little girl to remind me that these children were made especially for me. God placed each of these personalities into our home on purpose. He has given us the specific skills to reach each child.
So many days I feel like I have failed. I am continually reminded that training children comes with complete exhaustion of mind and body. Despite all of that I will continue because these children are important to me but most of all they are important to Him.
I don’t know what battle you may be facing with your child today, but remember, friend, they were made especially for you.
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Especially for You
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